New Video out! This time: Buffen&Brezeln

Fred is currently playing with



"Das sei einfach Musik - Brass, Beatbox Raps und Pop. Musikalische Liebesgeschichten, Zeitreisen, Strassenfeste. Jetzt wird klar: MAMA MAGNET, das ist ein Kosmos."


Das 8-Mann-Live-Musik-Spektakel. Der HipHop Zirkus aus Australien, Deutschland, Frankreich und der Schweiz. Fetteste Bläsersätze und spektakuläre Beats am Puls der Zeit. Alle lachen, alle tanzen alle fühlen sich fantastisch. "Das gibt's ja nicht." DOCH, DAS GIBT'S.


MAMA MAGNET zieht jedem der ihren Weg kreuzt das Trommelfell über die Ohren. 



Julian Maier-Hauff (trp, tb, sax, keys, electronics), Frederik Heisler (drums)


"Mit spektakulären Livedrums, Synthesizern, Drum-Maschinen,

diversen Effektgeräten und Instrumenten wie Saxophon, Trompete und E-Piano führen BUFFEN&BREZELN Jazz und elektronische Clubmusik zusammen.


Alle Stücke entstehen in Echtzeit - 100% improvisiert! Entsprechend ist jeder Track und jedes Konzert eine Premiere."


*****  "club sound as if produced" 



Flo Favre and Fred Heisler are the most energetic and impressive live!_two_man_instant_jukebox. 



The neo.magnet will play what comes to their mind at the very second you here neo.magnet. Every performance, every gig is unique and exclusive to you and those around you only. It's music you might know, music they know but above all music we never knew we might know some day. neo.magnet's style and influences reach from Wu Tang to Michael Jackson, from Miles Davis to Stravinsky, from Jobim to Amon Tobin. There's no way to catch 'em.




You just have to be there. neo.magnet plays, sings and dances and sometimes we just all dance.


Mini Magnet


Sommer, Sonne, Surfen

Gitarre, Bass & Drums

Speed, Space, Spirit

Jimi, Kurt & Hans


Alle Leute tanzen

wie paralysiert,

springen bis zum Mond 

weiß nicht was passiert.


- Surf.Gitarrengott.Rock.


Meer, Mut, Magie

Gitarre, Bass & Drums

Mama, Magnet, Music

Quentin, Jim & Franz


Mini mag das Risiko

Mini mag es fett

keine gute Laune

 mag Mini net.



Marco Mezquida. Piano.

Manel Fortia. Bass.


Appreciating his work Mezquida has been awarded 4 times as ‘Musician of the Year’ 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2015 by the Association of Jazz and Modern Music of Catalonia. Fortia is one of the most in demand bass players in Barcelona, Spain. Manel and Marco have a duo disc called "My old flame" released in 2015.






Florian Favre. Piano.

Roberto Koch. Bass.


Favre is one of the most prolific and talented Swiss piano player. He won several awards and is leader of his own trio with great success. 

Roberto Koch is the Venezuelan bass legend that recorded with literally all the great musicians of Venezuelan folk music. Furthermore his virtuosic jazz playing led him to recordings in NYC and around the globe with musicians like Mark Turner, Edward Simon and many more. 


BANDS                    LINKS                   VIDEOS



Raphael Rosse: MIMON





Sebastian von Keler:



















MC CHABEZO & MM (Magnezo)






